Sunday, September 25, 2011

SGA's 2011-2012 Budget

Note: An analysis of this budget and others that are funded through fees paid by University of Memphis students can be found in a series written last year by The Daily Helmsman's Chelsea Boozer

2011-2012 Budget Overview
General Operations $12,456
Executive Expenses $43,410
Student Travel $90,000
SGA Election $2,500
Freshman Senate $1,500
Basketball Homecoming $10,000
Mr. and Ms. U of M $3,000
SGA Contributions $9,500

Total 2011-2012 Proposal $172,366
Total Allotted   $175,000

General Operations
Publicity/Campus Relations $4,000
Summer Retreat $4,000
Office Supplies $1,000
Shirts $1,000
Notebooks $1,200
Printing/Copying $500
Fixed Expenses $756
Total: $12,456

Executive Expenses
Tuition $29,560
Stipends $11,250
Parking $600
TN Travel $2,000
Total $43,410

Student Travel
Travel Reimbursement $90,000
Total $90,000

SGA Election
Advertising $2,500
Total $2,500

Freshman Senate
Shirts $1,000
Supplies $500
Total $1,500

Basketball Homecoming
Advertisement $2,000
T-Shirts $2,000
Entertainment $6,000
Total $10,000

Mr. and Ms. U of M
Scholarships $1,000
Flowers, Crowns, Supplies $1,000
Advertising $1,000
Total $3,000

SGA Contributions/Sponsorships
Dreamers Thinkers Doers Scholarship $1,500
TISL Registration, Travel $6,000
Multicultural Festival Co-Sponsorship $2,000
Total SGA Contributions/Sponsorships $9,500

Total SGA Budget 2011/2012 $172,366

2011-2012 Tiger Readership Program Budget Proposal

USA Today Collegiate Readership Program Fee $85,000
Total Tiger Readership Budget $85,000

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